Boot-Partition (Nomen)

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

von einem Boot bedient
One boat operated purse seines
von einem Boot bedient
One boat operated purse seine
Boot- oder Schiffwaden
Boat or vessel seines
Von Boot gezogene Dredgen
Boat dredges
Von Boot eingesetzte Handdredgen
Hand dredges used on board a vessel
U-Boot- und Torpedonetze;
Submarine and torpedo nets;
Anti submarine warfare helicopters
Anti-submarines rockets
Leo, C. Hansch und D. Elkins, Partition coefficients and their uses.
Leo, C. Hansch and D. Elkins, Partition coefficients and their uses.
Influence of partition coefficient of lipophilic compounds on bioconcentration kinetics with fish. Wat.
Influence of partition coefficient of lipophilic compounds on bioconcentration kinetics with fish.
Britisches U-Boot vor Gibraltar
British submarine in Gibraltar