
  • Box 417, Damascus, Syria
  • Al-Mohafazeh Square, P.O. Box 417, Damascus, Syria
  • Writer, released on 19 October 2006, but he was brought before the Criminal Court in Damascus again on 31 October 2006 to face new charges.
  • Writer, released on 19 October 2006, but he was brought before the Criminal Court in Damascus again on 31 October 2006 to face new charges.
  • Michel Kilo, a militant pro-democracy writer who was arrested on 14 May 2006, mainly because of his position on the Beirut-Damascus Declaration and sentenced with Mahamoud Issa on 13 May 2007 to a three-year prison term.
  • Michel Kilo, a militant pro-democracy writer who was arrested on 14 May 2006, mainly because of his position on the Beirut-Damascus Declaration and sentenced with Mahamoud Issa on 13 May 2007 to a three-year prison term.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Agricultural Cooperative Bank Building, Damascus Tajhez, P.O.
Agricultural Cooperative Bank
- urged the relevant Syrian bodies to reverse the abovementioned judgments, drop the charges still pending in the Military Court of Damascus and release all the above-mentioned prisoners of conscience and political prisoners.
- urged the relevant Syrian bodies to reverse the abovementioned judgments, drop the charges still pending in the Military Court of Damascus and release all the above-mentioned prisoners of conscience and political prisoners.
A founding member of the Syrian Human Rights Organisation and a lawyer specialising in human rights issues, who was arrested on the streets of Damascus in 2006 when he was on the verge of taking up a post as the director of a human rights centre financed by the European Union.
A founding member of the Syrian Human Rights Organisation and a lawyer specialising in human rights issues, who was arrested on the streets of Damascus in 2006 when he was on the verge of taking up a post as the director of a human rights centre financed by the European Union.
On 10 May 2007 Damascus Criminal Court sentenced him to 12 years imprisonment following an unfair trial.
On 10 May 2007 Damascus Criminal Court sentenced him to 12 years imprisonment following an unfair trial.
These five individuals were arrested and detained after participating in a meeting asking for a peaceful democratic change in Syria organised by the Damascus Declaration for Democratic and National Change initiative.
These five individuals were arrested and detained after participating in a meeting asking for a peaceful democratic change in Syria organised by the Damascus Declaration for Democratic and National Change initiative.


the capital city of Syria
  • Damascus
  • Damaskus
  • Damascus
  • Damaskus,
  • Damascus Branch, P.O. Box 2231, Moawiya St., Damascus, Syria
  • Zweigstelle Damaskus, Postfach 2231, Moawiya St., Damaskus, Syrien

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Damascus Branch, P.O. Box 2231, Moawiya St., Damascus, Syria
Box 2231, Moawiya St., Damaskus, Syrien ;
Born 1943 in Damascus
geboren 1943 in Damaskus
Born 1945 in Damascus
geboren1945 in Damaskus
Born 1945 in Damascus
geboren 1945 in Damaskus
5966,Abou Bakr Al- Seddeq St., Damascus and PO BOX 2849 Al-Moutanabi Street, Damascus and PO BOX 21120 Baramkeh, Damascus
PO Box 5966, Abou Bakr Al Seddeq Str., Damaskus, und PO BOX 2849 Al Moutanabi Street, Damaskus, und PO BOX 21120 Baramkeh, Damaskus
5966,Abou Bakr Al Seddeq Str. Damascus and PO BOX 2849 Al Moutanabi Street, Damascus and PO BOX 21120 Baramkeh, Damascus
PO Box 5966, Abou Bakr Al Seddeq Str., Damaskus, und PO BOX 2849 Al Moutanabi Street, Damaskus, und PO BOX 21120 Baramkeh, Damaskus
Damascus, Syria
Damaskus, Syrien
Agricultural Cooperative Bank Building, Damascus Tajhez, P.O. Box 4325, Damascus, Syria;
Box 4325, Damaskus, Syrien.
Agricultural Cooperative Bank Building, Damascus Tajhez, P.O. Box 4325, Damascus, Syria.
Box 4325, Damaskus, Syrien.
Damascus, Syria;
Damaskus, Syrien;
Damascus, Syria.
Damaskus, Syrien.
5797 Damascus, Syria
5797 Damaskus, Syrien