
Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Taura-Syndrom der Krebstiere,
Taura syndrome in crustaceans,
Epizootisches Ulzeratives Syndrom
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome
Taura syndrome
nephrotisches Syndrom
Nephrotic syndrome
Epizootisches ulzeratives Syndrom
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome
Epizotisches ulzeratives Syndrom
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome
sleep apnoea syndrome;
nephrotisches Syndrom;
Nephrotic syndrome
Taura-Syndrom der Krebstiere
Taura syndrome in crustaceans
Fisher Scientific
Fisher Scientific
Anthony Fisher Camilleri
Anthony Fisher Camilleri
erworbenes Immundefizienz-Syndrom;
acquired immune deficiency syndrome,
Betroffen waren auch die bekannten Produktreihen Barbie , Polly Pocket und Fisher Price .
Mattel has already said that it was removing the products from shops and would intercept incoming shipments.