
Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

GERES Day, Hospital Bichat Juni 2002, Paris.
GERES Day, Hospital Bichat June 2002 Paris. .
Later on he was seen in a hospital in 2003 being watched by policemen.
Later on he was seen in a hospital in 2003 being watched by policemen.
Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian security officer died in a London hospital in late 2006 after being poisoned by radioactive polonium-210 .
Alexander Litvinenko, a former Russian security officer died in a London hospital in late 2006 after being poisoned by radioactive polonium-210.
Das Drogheda Memorial Hospital ist eine unverzichtbare Einrichtung im Wahlkreis der Fragestellerin und leistet dort wichtige Arbeit im Bereich der Altenpflege.
The Drogheda Memorial hospital is a vital facility in my constituency, where it provides crucial elderly care.
Eginitio Hospital
ginitio Hospital
Areteio Hospital
Areteio Hospital
Main Army Hospital
Main Army Hospital
The Navy Hospital
The Navy Hospital
Royal Hospital, Chelsea
Royal Hospital, Chelsea