
Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Hat eine Partei berechtigten Grund zu der Annahme, dass die andere Partei von den Luftsicherheitsbestimmungen dieses Artikels abweicht, beantragt diese Partei sofortige Konsultationen mit der anderen Partei.
When a Party has reasonable grounds to believe that the other Party has departed from the aviation security provisions of this Article, that Party shall request immediate consultations with the other Party.
Befreite Partei
Exempted party
Sozialdemokratische Partei
Party of European Socialists
Auch die Verwendung von Nazi-Symbolen soll in jedem Land der EU zum Straftatbestand werden.
It is also proposed that the use of Nazi symbols should become a criminal offence in every EU Member State.
Legislation banning gatherings of neo-nazi and fascist organisations and prohibiting use of neo-nazi and fascist symbols was adopted in May 2009.
Legislation banning gatherings of neo-nazi and fascist organisations and prohibiting use of neo-nazi and fascist symbols was adopted in May 2009.