Patriarch (Nomen)


patriarch (n)

Person - Mann
  • Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt setzte der Patriarch auf die Bewahrung der Natur.
  • Acceptance of minorities Ecology could be seen not only as an important practical issue but as a metaphor for social issues, went on the Patriarch.
  • He is the current Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, a currently banned religious body in Vietnam.
  • He is the current Patriarch of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, a currently banned religious body in Vietnam.
  • Sogar der Patriarch der orthodoxen Kirche Antonios soll wegen Regimekritik unter Hausarrest gestellt worden sein.
  • It would appear that even the Orthodox Patriarch Antonios has been placed under house arrest for criticising the regime.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Abune Antonios ist Patriarch der Orthodoxen Kirche Eritreas und befindet sich seit Januar 2006 unter Hausarrest.
Abune Antonios is Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church and has been under house arrest since January 2006.

patriarch (Nomen)


Patriarch (n)

person - man
  • Is the Commission aware of the case of Patriarch Abune Antonios?
  • Ist die Kommission mit der Situation des Patriarchen Abune Antonios vertraut?