Unterstrich (Nomen)

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Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Er unterstrich, dass seine Fraktion voll hinter dem Bericht stehe.
Think tanks and NGOs would need to indicate their major sources of funding.
Dorette Corbey unterstrich, Russland sei nach wie vor am Gashandel interessiert.
I feel very privileged to be invited here. the EP is a remarkable institution that provides optimism.
Dorette Corbey unterstrich, Russland sei nach wie vor am Gashandel interessiert.
Gas is a very nice product because it combines very well with sustainable wind energy because it is flexible.
Er unterstrich die Notwendigkeit, die den Investoren zugesicherten Bedingungen beizubehalten.
He stressed the need to maintain the conditions promised to investors.
Blair unterstrich jedoch die Notwendigkeit den Haushalt langfristig umzustrukturieren.
The budget, he said, was also based on fairness and for the first time, countries of a similar size, would now contribute on the basis of rough parity.
Auch unterstrich sie die Rolle des Parlaments im Mitentscheidungsverfahren.
For it to work, firm and clear rules must be in place and there must be effective monitoring, she added.