trotz (Nomen)


albeit (o)


despite (n)

trotzdem, in spite of
  • Praktische Fortschritte trotz Krise
  • Practical progress despite crisis
  • Trotz der Pensionsrichtlinie
  • Despite the pensions directive
  • Trotz erheblicher Fortschritte besteht hier Nachbesserungsbedarf.
  • Despite the considerable progress made, further improvements are needed.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Bezieht trotz Anspruchs kein individuelles Altersruhegeld
Does not receive an individual retirement pension even though is entitled to
Positive Bilanz trotz punktueller Kritik
However, there were a few problems.
Erfolg trotz Skepsis
Hope and glory
Kooperationsabkommen mit Algerien trotz schwieriger Lage
Yes to Association Agreement with Algeria
Kooperationsabkommen mit Algerien trotz schwieriger Lage
Macro-financial assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Trotz Flottenabbau subventionieren
Protection of Animals used for Experiments
Trotz Flottenabbau subventionieren
Short-term Residence permits for victims of trafficking or smuggling
Walfang trotz internationalen Abkommens
One of the key contributing factors is commercial whaling.
Trotz Wirtschaftswachstum auch Arbeitslosigkeit und Inflation
Cyprus, which is currently prospecting for gas and oil off its coast, has reservations about the energy chapter.
Trotz intensiver Sparanstrengungen steigen die Schulden.
Despite intensive efforts to make savings, the level of debt is rising.
Studium trotz Familie
Debate on G8 summit conclusions