
  • 47. The UK telecommunications market has been opened to competition since 1992 and today is a highly competitive market with numerous operators. BT and Kingston Communications directly compete against Vtesse and other alternative providers active in the telecommunications services market. Hence on the assumption that the difference in business rates taxation among these operators involved State aid and conferred a selective advantage upon certain players, it would alter their competitive position on the market and hence distort competition.
  • 47. The UK telecommunications market has been opened to competition since 1992 and today is a highly competitive market with numerous operators. BT and Kingston Communications directly compete against Vtesse and other alternative providers active in the telecommunications services market. Hence on the assumption that the difference in business rates taxation among these operators involved State aid and conferred a selective advantage upon certain players, it would alter their competitive position on the market and hence distort competition.
  • This makes the incorrect assumption that gestation or incubation progresses at the same rate in all species.
  • This makes the incorrect assumption that gestation or incubation progresses at the same rate in all species.

assumption (Nomen)


Annahme (n)

  • Date of Assumption
  • Datum der Annahme
  • Obviously, this assumption will not be reality.
  • Diese Annahme wird sich offenkundig nicht mit der Wirklichkeit decken.
  • Model assumption errors
  • Modellannahmefehler

These (n)


Vermutung (n)


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

However, that assumption did not materialise.
Dazu kam es jedoch nicht.
That assumption cannot be considered conservative.
Diese Prognose kann nicht als konservativ bewertet werden.
Assumption on methane
That is a conservative assumption.
Es handelt sich um einen konservativen Ansatz.
Inflation assumption
Angenommene Inflationsrate
This assumption was mistaken.
Dies war eine Fehlannahme.