Happening (Nomen)


happening (n)

  • However, the European Parliament has likewise stressed that the fight against terrorism cannot be waged at the expense of basic shared values, such as respect for human rights and civil liberties, a situation that is currently happening at Guantanamo Bay.
  • However, the European Parliament has likewise stressed that the fight against terrorism cannot be waged at the expense of basic shared values, such as respect for human rights and civil liberties, a situation that is currently happening at Guantanamo Bay.

happening (Nomen)


Ereignis (n)


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

What is happening now?
Was wird unternommen?
What is happening?
Was ist aber geschehen?
There are already many examples of this happening.
Es gibt bereits viele Beispiele, wo dies geschieht.
The same thing is apparently happening at the Lisbon factory.
Die gleiche Situation wird sich in der Fabrik von Lissabon ergeben.
What is happening in this connection? 2.
Was geschieht in dieser Angelegenheit? 2.
What will the Commission do to prevent this from happening?
Was gedenkt die Kommission zu unternehmen, um dem entgegenzuwirken?
Is the Commission aware of this happening?
Ist der Kommission das Geschehen bekannt?
Is there any legal impediment to this happening? 3.
Gibt es irgendein rechtliches Hindernis, das dem im Wege steht? 3.
This is happening in front of everybody in the world.
Dies passiert vor den Augen der Welt.