Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Are vald,
the vald of Are,
--- These documents are only available in English ---
--- These documents are only available in English ---
However there are a number of weaknesses in the way citizens are informed and on the contents of the information provided.
However there are a number of weaknesses in the way citizens are informed and on the contents of the information provided.
The results of these audits are reported to the Bulgarian Parliament, following which they are sent to the ECA for information.
The results of these audits are reported to the Bulgarian Parliament, following which they are sent to the ECA for information.
While these terms are commonly used for GI whiskies, they are not the only permitted supplementary terms.
While these terms are commonly used for GI whiskies, they are not the only permitted supplementary terms.
3 companies are authorized.
3 companies are authorized.
Sanctions for refusing to collaborate are political.
Sanctions for refusing to collaborate are political.
For private bodies there are no sanctions.
For private bodies there are no sanctions.
Those who are invited to give a statement are neither under oath, nor do they have a duty to attend.
Those who are invited to give a statement are neither under oath, nor do they have a duty to attend.
101, are the only relevant solvency levels.
101, are the only relevant solvency levels.
Family Members who are Dependants...................................................................6
Family Members who are Dependants...................................................................6
Family Members who are Dependants
Family Members who are Dependants
In case local authorities are involved in or are in charge of this assessment, are they allowed to issue additional requirements at local level ?
In case local authorities are involved in or are in charge of this assessment, are they allowed to issue additional requirements at local level ?
Measures such as the doubling of penalty coefficients should be reserved for species that are at biological risk, are particularly sensitive to over-fishing or are included in a multiannual plan.
Measures such as the doubling of penalty coefficients should be reserved for species that are at biological risk, are particularly sensitive to over-fishing or are included in a multiannual plan.
What are your views on this?
What are your views on this?
All these measures are thought to be of temporary nature, and will be conducted as long as they are needed.
All these measures are thought to be of temporary nature, and will be conducted as long as they are needed.
The Jews are the Jews.
The Jews are the Jews.
Why we are losing it.
Why we are losing it.

are (Nomen)


Ar (n)

measures - weights
measures - weights
  • Industrial minerals are geological materials which are mined for their commercial value, which are not fuel minerals and are not sources of metallic minerals.
  • Industrieminerale sind geologische Materialien, die aufgrund ihres kommerziellen Wertes abgebaut werden und weder mineralische Brennstoffe sind noch metallische Minerale enthalten.
  • These are participations which are not in financial and credit institutions and which are considered strategic.
  • Anzugeben sind ihrer Natur nach strategische Beteiligungen an Unternehmen, bei denen es sich nicht um Finanz- oder Kreditinstitute handelt.
  • Community sources are limited, rules are complicated.
  • Die gemeinschaftlichen Mittel sind begrenzt, die Regeln kompliziert.

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Bacteriophages are always present where bacteria are.
Bakteriophagen kommen stets dort vor, wo Bakterien sind.