collegiate (Adjektiv)

schools - universities
schools - universities

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

The Treaty defines the membership of the Court and its collegiate structure.
Der Vertrag legt die Zusammensetzung des Rechnungshofes und seine Kollegialstruktur fest.
I have not received an individual discharge but as a Member of collegiate management bodies which were discharged according to the Bulgarian legal procedures I have.
I have not received an individual discharge but as a Member of collegiate management bodies which were discharged according to the Bulgarian legal procedures I have.
Both articles refer to the Executive Board as a whole, which is in line with the construction of the Executive Board as a collegiate decision-making body.
In beiden Artikeln wird auf das Direktorium in seiner Gesamtheit verwiesen, was im Einklang mit dem Aufbau des Direktoriums als kollegialem Beschlussfassungsorgan steht.
Both articles refer to the Executive Board as a whole and do not allocate specific tasks to individual Executive Board members, given that the Executive Board is a collegiate decision-making body.
Beide Artikel beziehen sich auf das Direktorium als Ganzes und weisen einzelnen Mitgliedern des Direktoriums keine besonderen Aufgaben zu, da das Direktorium ein kollegiales Beschlussfassungsorgan ist.