commute (Verb)


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Parliament also asked to commute the death penalty of the prisoners on death row, particularly the 18 child offenders.
Parliament also asked to commute the death penalty of the prisoners on death row, particularly the 18 child offenders.
- called on the Chinese authorities to suspend all the other death sentences and to commute those sentences to terms of imprisonment.
- called on the Chinese authorities to suspend all the other death sentences and to commute those sentences to terms of imprisonment.
Calls on the Governor of Virginia, the Rt Hon. James Gilmore, to suspend the execution of Derek Rocco Barnabei and to commute his sentence;
fordert den Gouverneur von Virginia, James Gilmore, auf, die Hinrichtung von Derek Rocco Barnabei auszusetzen und sein Urteil umzuwandeln;
Appeals urgently to the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles to commute the death sentence;
ersucht den Begnadigungsausschuss des Bundesstaates Georgia eindringlich, das Todesurteil umzuwandeln;