convenient (Adjektiv | Adjektiv)


günstig (adj)

of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient, general

genehm (adj)

of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient

bequem (adj)

of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient
  • Most people live in the way that is convenient to them.
  • Die meisten Leute leben so, wie es am bequemsten ist.

praktisch (adj)

of or pertaining to convenience; simple; easy; expedient, handy

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

It is convenient to define separately copyright and trademark infringements
Urheberrechtsverletzungen sollten getrennt von Verletzungen des Markenrechts definiert werden.
Systems providing high quality PT service and convenient Light Rail Transit on urban corridors
Systems providing high quality PT service and convenient Light Rail Transit on urban corridors
Providing convenient parking at transit and rideshare stations
Providing convenient parking at transit and rideshare stations