Dissident (Nomen)


dissident (n)

Ideologie - Mann, Politik
  • The detention was followed by some dissident demonstrations protesting against the 24 years continuous rule of Hosni Mubarak.
  • The detention was followed by some dissident demonstrations protesting against the 24 years continuous rule of Hosni Mubarak.
  • She is a cyber-dissident reporting daily on her blog examples of human rights abuses in China.
  • She is a cyber-dissident reporting daily on her blog examples of human rights abuses in China.
  • Prominent Chinese human rights activist and dissident is the laureate of the 2008 Sakharov Prize.
  • Prominent Chinese human rights activist and dissident is the laureate of the 2008 Sakharov Prize.

dissenter (n)

Ideologie - Mann, someone who dissents

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

In unserem Interview macht der tschechische Ex-Dissident deutlich, dass er nicht nach Harmonie strebt und mit Kritik umgehen kann.
But one face that will become well-known to MEPs over the next six months is that of Alexandr Vondra.
Der freigelassene Dissident Syarhei Parsyuke betonte, die Menschenrechtslage in seinem Land habe sich nicht verbessert und die Freilassung einiger Dissidenten sei eine reine Charmeoffensive.
The released dissident Syarhei Parsyukevich emphasises that the human rights situation in his country has not improved and that the release of a few dissidents is just a charm offensive.
The afternoon saw the House debate the arrest of a Chinese dissident, war crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo and human rights in Egypt.
The afternoon saw the House debate the arrest of a Chinese dissident, war crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo and human rights in Egypt.

dissident (Nomen)

ideology - man, ideology - woman

Dissident (n)

ideology - man
  • Arrest of Chinese dissident Hu Jia
  • Festnahme des chinesischen Dissidenten Hu Jia
ideology - woman

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Arrest of Chinese dissident Hu Jia
Parlament fordert sofortige Freilassung von Hu Jia in China
Historian then Solidarity dissident
Verfolgung und Widerstand