
Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Done at Lisbon on the seventeenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four.
Done at Lisbon on the seventeenth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four.
The certificate of authenticity shall be valid for ninety days from the date of its issue.
Das Echtheitszeugnis gilt 90 Tage, beginnend mit dem Tag seiner Erteilung.
Seventh paragraph
Absatz 7
ILO, International Labour Conference, Provisional Record, Ninety-sixth Session, Geneva, 2007 No 12 and No 25. ,
IAO, Internationale Arbeitskonferenz, Provisional Record Nr. 12 und Nr. 25, 96. Tagung, Genf, 2007. ,
seventh day
am siebten Tag