
Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

in paragraph 12 of the report, which proposes to redraft the treaty amendment, it should be pointed out that this draft treaty amendment has been very carefully drawn up to make it acceptable to all Member States, which must all ratify it.
in paragraph 12 of the report, which proposes to redraft the treaty amendment, it should be pointed out that this draft treaty amendment has been very carefully drawn up to make it acceptable to all Member States, which must all ratify it.
In the light of the above, will the Commission say whether it intends to consolidate, codify and redraft existing environmental protection legislation and, if so, when?
An die Kommission wird deshalb die Frage gerichtet, ob und wann sie gedenkt, die geltenden Umweltschutzvorschriften zu vereinheitlichen, zu kodifizieren und neu zu fassen?