scholarly (Adjektiv)

  • Where appropriate, the Scientific Council shall consult with the scientific, engineering and scholarly community.
  • Der wissenschaftliche Rat konsultiert gegebenenfalls die wissenschaftliche, technische und akademische Gemeinschaft.
  • In all he is the author of some 170 publications, monographs, academic and scholarly studies and articles .
  • Verfasser von insgesamt etwa 170 Publikationen, Monographien, akademischen Studien, Lehrmaterialien und Artikeln.

gebildet (a)


gelehrt (a)


belesen (a)


Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Hence, with his report, the Rapporteur wishes to clarify the objectives and in some cases limit the scope of the wording to for instance, areas of public interest, such as public sector information, learning content, scientific and scholarly content, and content from cultural institutions.
Hence, with his report, the Rapporteur wishes to clarify the objectives and in some cases limit the scope of the wording to for instance, areas of public interest, such as public sector information, learning content, scientific and scholarly content, and content from cultural institutions.