Sold (Nomen)


payment (n)


pay (n)

Soldat, militärisch

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Unter dem direkten Oberbefehl von Ntaganda stellte er in Masisi und Walikali auch Waffen, Munition und Sold bereit.
He also provided weapons, munitions and salaries in Masisi and Walikale under the direct orders from Ntaganda.
Subsidiaries to be sold Cord
Rigas centra namu parvalde
- the company is sold by a competitive tender or an equivalent procedure, that is open, transparent and unconditional;
- the company is sold by a competitive tender or an equivalent procedure, that is open, transparent and unconditional;
- the company is sold to the highest bidder;
- the company is sold to the highest bidder;
Only small sparklers, Christmas crackers and percussion caps sold to consumers.
Only small sparklers, Christmas crackers and percussion caps sold to consumers.
Generally 18 although Division I can sold younger.
Generally 18 although Division I can sold younger.
May only be sold between 27.12- 31.12 and used between 31.12 and 01.01.
May only be sold between 27.12- 31.12 and used between 31.12 and 01.01.
Distributors who sell plant protection products must take sufficient precautions to ensure that customers to whom they are sold are appropriately informed about the correct use, possible risks, proper storage, handling, application and disposal of plant protection products.
Distributors who sell plant protection products must take sufficient precautions to ensure that customers to whom they are sold are appropriately informed about the correct use, possible risks, proper storage, handling, application and disposal of plant protection products.
Experience shows that once products are placed on the market, delays between complaints and action by market surveillance authorities often lead to the situation where authorities are not in a position to carry out checks, as the products have been already sold.
Experience shows that once products are placed on the market, delays between complaints and action by market surveillance authorities often lead to the situation where authorities are not in a position to carry out checks, as the products have already been sold.
These locomotives are sold to a highly fragmented market, answering to many different needs and requests.
These locomotives are sold to a highly fragmented market, answering to many different needs and requests.


  • sold
  • verkauft
  • Sold
  • verkauft
  • Sold
  • Verkauft
  • Sold quantities
  • Verkaufte Mengen
  • Quantities sold
  • Verkaufte Mengen
  • Quota sold
  • Verkaufte Quoten

Satzbeispiele & Übersetzungen

Quantity sold
Description of Fish Sold
Beschreibung des verkauften Fischs
- the quantity sold,
- die verkaufte Menge,
They are not sold or consumed in the way ordinary, everyday products are sold and consumed.
Es wird nicht wie ein Alltagsartikel gekauft und verbraucht.